Upon canceling his documentary contract, Lucas Shaw from MRC Entertainment put it best: He wrote: “Kanye West is a producer and sampler of music. Only last week, he sampled and remixed a classic tune that has charted for over 3000 years – the lie that Jews are evil and conspire to control the world for Continue Reading »
Why should we observe Pride Shabbat every year? In my view, it’s for the same reason that we return to Beresheit each year. As Jews, we recognize and believe deeply in the importance of studying Torah as a lifelong obligation, commitment and opportunity. We understand that every year, we have new life lessons to learn. Continue Reading »
Very few people know, at least until right now, that I am a lucid dreamer. This means that when I am asleep I am aware that I am dreaming, and when I wake up, I remember everything that I’ve dreamt. 55% of people have had a lucid dream once: only 1 in 5 adults have Continue Reading »