Rabbi Israel Salanter, the ideological founder of the Mussar movement, is reported to have said that ““A rabbi whose community does not disagree with him is no rabbi. A rabbi who fears his community is no mensch.” Thankfully, I can share with you that I’ve never feared my community. On the contrary: I’ve been embraced, Continue Reading »
The entire time I was in Canada I was petrified of getting COVID. We had our mandatory PCR COVIDs test before entering Canada. I was fine. But a day after our arrival, I felt like I was catching a cold. That’s when the anxiety kicked in to full swing. If I had Omicron, would I Continue Reading »
I had a rather humorous encounter at physical therapy. My excellent therapist had grown up as a Brownie and learned about Chanukah as a game of dreidel. Could I tell her the real story about what the holiday was all about? So as she dug into me, I did. I told her about the struggle Continue Reading »
After the success of its Cassini probe, NASA is building another probe to launch into deep space. There’s only one challenge. Unlike the last one, which after twenty years was complete, this new probe is expected to last for a century. It is an impossibility that any of the scientists present at the launch will Continue Reading »