They’re Going to Come Back, It’s Just Going to Be Different Recently, an article was posted on a site called Ministry Architects, a church consulting service. The title of the post, for better and for worse, was “They’re Not Coming Back,” and points to many of the trends in the decline of organized religion that Continue Reading »
Last Friday night at Shabbat in the Park I snuck away from the crowd for five minutes to take Haley to the restroom. While a friend took her inside the girls’ room, I began to make small talk with another parent standing outside. She asked what our group was doing, as it looked like we Continue Reading »
The trip to St. Simons was beautiful, except for the oil patches all over the beach. The weekend destination wedding in Park City, Utah was glorious, except for the jet stream that blew in the air from the California wildfires to obstruct the otherwise majestic views. Climate change is real, undeniable, and destroying the majesty Continue Reading »
Was Simone Biles right to sit out the rest of the Olympics, given the challenges to her mental health? Most people, myself included – are sympathetic, if not completely understanding of her plight. Simone Biles is twenty-four years old. We have children and grandchildren who are around twenty-four years old. Some of us on the Continue Reading »