
Congregation Etz Chaim Sisterhood, a member of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, is a supportive and caring community of women of all ages providing countless benefits to the synagogue, Religious School, Preschool, Youth Department, the community at large, and our valued members. We offer year-round programming, including Mah Jongg, Book Club, Rosh Chodesh minyan, and many social programs for our members, Z’havah, and the Congregation. Sisterhood also operates the Judaica and Gifts Shop in our synagogue.

Etz Chaim’s Sisterhood enriches the congregation through our Annual High Holiday Greeting and Remembrance Book, Sisterhood Shabbat, Mishloach Manot, High Holiday babysitting, as well as sponsoring kiddush lunch for Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Sukkot and break the fast, and nosherei for Purim. Along with the synagogue’s Men’s Club, Sisterhood provides gifts to our B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmands supports our Education Department and scholarships for continuing education.

Our community outreach programs include knitting/crocheting for Must Ministries, providing kosher meals for Rebecca’s Tent for the month of February, and supporting Jewish National Fund by selling trees for Israel.


Z’havah, meaning gold, generating our leadership development, promotes the engagement of the younger women within the congregation whose enthusiasm, excitement, and energy enable them to connect with their peers through Jewish values, programs, and traditions. Z’havah is a special interest group under the umbrella of Sisterhood and is open to all women in the 20-40ish age range; single, married, young, professional or not, with or without children.

Torah Fund

The Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism strengthens Jewish education by supporting scholarships and programming at these Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning: the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam). Women’s League designs a new pin for Torah Fund donors each year. If you are interested in supporting the Torah Fund, please contact Sandy Bailey.

Sisterhood has a WhatsApp group

Sisterhood members now have a WhatsApp Community to help us stay connected! Become a community member to receive updates, chat with Sisterhood members, and join subgroups organized by topic such as Monthly Minyan and Book Club. Click on the icon to request to join our community, or contact Karen in the synagogue office.

Torah Fund 2024-2025

Click the below image for more information about the Torah Fund. For questions, contact Sandy Bailey.

Link to Order JNF Trees

Order JNF Trees

Topiary Rent-a-Pieces

2025 Mah Jongg Card Orders

Link for Mahj Cards

WLCJ Membership

As an Etz Chaim Sisterhood member, you are automatically a member of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ). Please take the time to explore the variety of programs and resources offered on their website. Click here to learn more. 

2024/5875 Greeting & Remembrance Book

Click here.


Sisterhood Board 2024-2025

Helaine Mark & Dani Oren

Parliamentarian/Immediate Past President
Neda Gayle

VP Ways & Means
Lani Ashner

VPs Programming
Linda Diamond & Paula Coplon

VPs Membership
Shana La Vine & Nicole Flom

VP Communications
Dana Shefsky

VP Financial Secretary
Beth Levin

VP Recording Secretary
Phyllis Silverstein

VP Torah Fund
Sandy Bailey

Reba Bachrach

Gift Shop
Lauren Gray

Book Club Chairperson
Myra Goldberg

Gift Shop Bookkeeper
Dana Greenberg

Festival Meal Coordinator
Sandy Bailey

Dana Shefsky & Lara Rush

Chanukah Shuk
Stephanie Needle & Sarah Salamon

To subscribe to the Sisterhood calendar click here

Upcoming Sisterhood Events

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