Social Action

At Etz Chaim, we care about the world around us. Through a variety of opportunities within Etz Chaim and the greater Atlanta community, Tikkun Olam is one of the cornerstones of Jewish tradition.

We continue to participate in the following annual events: the Hunger Walk benefiting the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Kosher Pantry, knitting scarfs with our Sisterhood to provide warmth to our friends at MUST Ministries, and cook meals for the residents at Rebecca’s Tent, a women’s shelter, during the month of February,  the Men’s Club annual blood drive with Life South, providing gift cards for Chanukah with our partners at Jewish Family and Career Services (JF&CS), as well as our monthly food drive for the Kosher Food Pantry at JF&CS and educational programs on anti-sex trafficking and protecting your child from predators.

Etz Chaim is sponsoring Backpack Buddies

  • Complete this form to be added to the distribution list for future volunteer opportunities.
  • Click here for a list of non-perishable food items to donate
  • Click here to donate financially to Backpack Buddies
  • Click here to donate food through Amazon.

For more information on the Atlanta Jewish Communities’ participation in this program, read the article from the Atlanta Jewish Times.

JNF & Etz Chaim Bomb Shelter Beautification Project

Our Special Relationship in Uganda with Namanyonyi Synagogue

Congregation Etz Chaim has built a relationship with Moshe Sebagabo of the Namanyonyi Synagogue in Uganda.

Our most recent note from Moshe,

“I am happy to let you know that our Synagogue now has a website! Here is the link.”

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